The influence of owners and attachment styles on separation related problems

In the last few years, daily routines have changed dramatically while battling the covid-19 pandemic. Research has uncovered interesting dynamics between relationships, attachment styles and separation related problems.
Daniel Mills will share these findings with us, while connecting the dots to previous research.
About the speaker
Daniel Mills is professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln in the UK. He is a true academic who specialises in the management of problem behaviour and the human-animal bond. However he also has his feet firmly planted in practice by consulting in the Animal Behaviour Clinic of the University.
In 2020 he was recognized by Stanford University as part of the top 2% of all scientists globally.
More recently he has worked extensively on the wider implications of human animal relationships including the economic significance of companion animals and health benefits of animal assisted interventions. He has published around 150 full peer-reviewed scientific articles and more than 50 books and chapters. He frequently advises both specialist and general media on companion animal issues, and has acted as an expert witness in the English Courts. He runs an audio and YouTube podcast series “What makes you click?”, which features chats with inspirational friends in the field of animal behaviour he has had the benefit of getting to know over the course of his career.
Find out more about Daniel and his research HERE
Practical information
Date: 8th of june 2023
Location: Wherever you are (through zoom)
Start: 19h CEST
End: 22h CEST
Recording: There will also be a recording available for 14 days (until the 23rd of June)
Price for members (coupon code is in your mailbox): 15 euro
Price for non-members: 47 euro
How to register
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